With everything going on it the world today, I find it hard to communicate effectively with every individual that I come across. I find different people's opinions interesting -- I do have a general interest in humanity and the inner workings of the minds of others -- yet I also find that most of the time opinions are limited in scope to what one comes into contact with via social channels and has become comfortable with due to popular opinion. As I have become more in tune with myself, I have come to find that it is often times not easy for me to express my own opinions, which most times are marred with the types of messages that call for "policing one's self" and "separating from a flock." Truth is my generation in most cases is incapable of rational thought outside of the confines of their comfortable social circles, and prefer to be led helplessly into servitude to a particular cause, instead of questioning anything, whether they understand what is happening around them or not.
Now, I will be the first to admit that I have much to learn. In fact, it is my belief that to become truly enlightened (and I beg you to take the word enlightened in such a way as not to cause mass hysteria, because I'm well aware of what kind of "eye opening" capability this word has) one must come to the realization that we can never, nor will we ever truly know anything, or anywhere near it for that matter. What bothers me most is when individuals play on the emotions of those who feel that it is not their civic duty to educate themselves. My opinions are almost as strong toward those individuals who are guilty of leading an uninformed life.
We have come to an age where popular opinion is not only a major component to most of the political actions taken in this country, but in most cases it's the end all be all with regard to each decision made on a daily basis. I put it to you, think about your average day and try and weed out a decision that does not incorporate popular opinion into the deductive process. Don't worry, I'll wait. In being so, it is crucial for people to have a firm grasp, nay, an in depth understanding of what the issues we are facing are, and their stances on said topics. I understand that given the vomit of rhetoric and the "over jargonization" (Yes, I've just coined it) of everything in the world today, this can often times seem like a perilous task, but a much needed task none the less. Learn new things, master old ones and be on the forefront of what it is you are passionate about. I cannot preach this enough. Else you may find yourself staring down the barrel of a gun, in the form of a voters box, where you will have to make a very important decision, and the only thing you will have to arm yourself is what your friend told you, which was based off of what her friend told her, which she in turn read in an opinionated gossip column written by a columnist who.. Well, you get the idea.
Where does this stuff come from? Do you know? You should. And that my friends is the point. It isn't so much that you should "get involved," which I think is a message that is over preached in the place of "know what you're getting involved with." In fact I beg of you, if it is the case that you don't know anything, please, don't get out! Don't get involved! Unless you mean to make it your mission to become an expert in your field. And in that case be sure that you are at the proper level to be taking on the tasks or promoting opinions that you feel so strongly about. Otherwise you are simply another mindless follower, a sheep, a warm body filling a seat, whose vote - while a number - did not truly count because you didn't know what you were voting for in the first place. Take the Obama election as one case in point or the Trayvon Martin verdict, where people were willing to overlook pure truth, lineage, public record and forensic fact in order to force the popular opinion on the under-informed, in an effort to see an agenda through. Or the President of The United States putting his two cents in, taking sides as if this weren't a sensitive enough topic already. Have you read "The New Jim Crow," or something of the like? Had you, you would be able to further appreciate where that kind of hate driven agenda comes from. I mean have you ever seen so many people OK with the fact that the "white guy" they were trying to lynch, was really a Hispanic man? Propaganda much? Kind of Hitler(ish) if you ask me. I'm sure that's too much though, isn't it? Well there are many more situations just like this one, but we will save the specifics of these stories for another time and another argument.
The truth of these two examples is, however, that popular opinion played on the minds of what were otherwise, I'm sure, well intentioned individuals who simply had no idea what they were "getting involved" with. Or even worse, who thought what they were getting involved with was something completely different than what was really going on. How many innocent people have died in the name of a witch hunt? Popular opinion tells us that we need to "get out!" and "make a difference!" while in all reality getting off the couch only to be schooled by someone who has a thorough understanding of the topic, or misled by those superior to you with an alternate agenda is a very humbling experience, to which you owe the respect it deserves.
As a matter of fact, here in lies another issue with my generation and those younger than myself, humility; own it and respect it. You don't know everything; in fact, you know very little. Empower yourself with understanding. I have much room to grow, and will continue to strive to do so, but I am also well versed in the topics of my choice and in being so, have very well formulated opinions. Some of which aren't popular, and some of which may sound down right cruel. But that is only because I have studied these things and in doing so, have formulated my own opinions of what I think the realities of our world today are based on the conclusions of my studies and participation; this may come as a shock to those of you who have become comfortable with popular opinion or worse, who wallow in it. Oh wait, you thought everyone was created equal..?

About Me: I am a Software Engineer w/ a Masters in Computer Science, a business man -- holding a Bachelors in Business with a focus in Enterprise Administration from Fordham University, Magna Cum Laude -- a writer, a blogger, a philosopher, a philanthropist, a veteran, and an all around thinker and do'er. My purpose is to point out that there is a reason for everything and an opinion for every reason. I am designed to interpret what I see and dictate what I've interpreted. My hope is that my words will not be seen as harsh, rather as liberating, and at very least, thought provoking. I enjoy everything from technology, to race relations, biology, genetics and economics.. for a start..
Lead Writer and Editor for TheReality.org
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