First and foremost, let's put to rest the notion of entirely independent "white" and "Hispanic" groups. While there are some among us who may possibly be 100% European or 100% native to their respective Latin or Spanish/Hispanic place of origin, this is not always the case. That said, there are "whites" who are "Hispanic" -- myself included, being a mixed pup, or my girlfriend Karla for instance, who is Puerto Rican; we are indicative of this American standard. Karla is of native Puerto Rican lineage as well as European by way of the Spanish conquistadors who came to Puerto Rico all those years ago. Being a native Puerto Rican (someone actually born in Puerto Rico), she was as confused as I have been annoyed by how ridiculous our "system of segregation" is when it comes to how "flexible" some of our terms are. She (and I) couldn't understand why we are such a racist society here in America. As she put it: "In Puerto Rico, we are all just Puerto Rican, so when I came here, and was warned not to call certain people certain things, or not to talk about certain things relating to American history with certain people because of their color, I thought it was ridiculous."
Now, let me elaborate on the topic by asking you, the reader, to think critically (something we're not used to doing here in America). Ask yourself, "Self, what is "white" exactly?" The Spaniards who came to Puerto Rico and Cuba from Europe, and ended up populating the vast majority of the islands in the area, are they not "Spanish" as well as "European", and so, do the members of this island not fall under the categories "of Hispanic decent" and "of European decent"? That's what white means here in the states, no? -- and of European decent?
Time for a quote! lol: "The U.S. Census Bureau defines the ethnonym Hispanic or Latino to refer to "a person of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American (except for Brazil), or other Spanish culture or origin regardless of race"[8] and states that Hispanics or Latinos can be of any race, any ancestry, any ethnicity.[9] "
The way I see it -- and well, anyone who knows what they're talking about -- not many here seem to have a clue what they're talking about. My great grandmother's name is Otelia Theresa Cervantes -- she is "white" and "Spanish" or "Hispanic", possessing both European (Spain) and Cuban native lineages. Karla Torres (my girlfriend), well, she's Puerto Rican, with a lineage to Spain (i.e. Europe) and native Puerto Rican or Taino. I have a Spanish lineage (through Spain, if you're confused, lol) and a Welsh lineage, among others. If you're one of those crying about colonialism, remember, you probably weren't the only one affected -- ask the Welsh how they fared under colonialism, or the Irish for that matter. The Welsh lost their native tongue, and a very small portion still speak it -- the Irish were sold as slaves, if you're shocked by this, you're an example of what's wrong with the American education system. It isn't you, rather, that America has failed you that's the problem. Remember, Im not saying your oppression doesn't matter, I'm simply saying that you weren't the only one -- so if your intention is to use these scenarios to create problems among folks you assume to be of different races or lineages, don't be surprised when someone throws reality in your face; if you simply don't care, then you have a whole other set of issues that need be discussed.
In closing, I want to say that what we need to be worrying about is getting everyone the proper education, so that we don't become a nation of morons arguing about non issues that we seem to make up as we go along. For the majority of the arguments that include racism of some sort toward Hispanics at that hands of whites, or vice-versa, to be relevant, we'd have to do genetic testing on all of the individuals involved and determine their genetic variant. Chances are, many "Hispanics" carry a "European" variant -- that said, many with "European" variants could be "Hispanic". However you feel about what you are, remember, you are that thing -- to hate one part for a particular reason doesn't make you any less of that thing.
Peace, Love and Freedom!