If there is any portion of your life that is in tune with current events, I'm sure the name George Zimmerman has become something of a familiarity to you. For some - as of February 26th, 2012 - Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman have all but taken a seat at your dinner table, becoming so familiar that you've found your time being equally distributed between Zimmerman, Martin and your own husbands, wives and kids. To whom do we owe thanks for introducing these two individuals into our lives? Yes, it is true that the Martin and Zimmerman were eternally tied together thanks in part to one of the most controversial murder trials since OJ Simpson saw his day in court almost two decades ago. But this was a particular situation and has become a national phenomenon due to the nature of the interaction between the two men; Martin being on the receiving end of a gun shot unleashed in self defense by Zimmerman, and Zimmerman being the veteran community watch captain who was infamously labeled a "crazy-ass cracka" by the defenses star witness, Rachel "Dee Dee" Jeantel. I will introduce you to the individuals behind these names as my comparison progresses, but for now let's continue to paint this picture so that we can compare it to the shit storm of hypocrisy that it later transformed into; lets see where we can take this.
This story is lamented into the minds of many as a concave of mixed emotions and disappointing results, stemming from what would otherwise have been a normal drizzly night in South Florida. The world-wind of that would take place however, I am no stranger to statistics. As a matter of fact, analysis is what I do for a living at this point in my life, and I have some years in the analytics field which saw it's start well before I started my Master of Computer Science degree. I deal mainly with the financial sector, writing scripts for a financial management firm based in Connecticut. Naturally, I began to take an interest in this case. At first, it didn't seem to me - being the incredibly grounded individual that I am; having been taught early on that lies, slanderous activity and contempt for the human individual was neither something to be look up to nor imitated - to be anything outside of the "normal" tragic death of a young man, taken to early due to unfortunate circumstances. Almost a sort of, "Where were the parents at?" kind of situation. By the way, where were the parents at? Anyway, even the notion of race, while properly defined to me early on, was not explained to be the cause of such exaggerations as it is so freely deemed to be the motive behind today. This story had the necessary components - young man from a broken home, seemingly caught in his own self destructive patterns, experimenting with narcotics, lashing out violently and becoming an all around disconnected member of society - I still don't see how this is far from the truth either, given the mountains of evidence witheld from the general public during the trial. Murders happen everyday in America; 48 per day on average to be more precise. So why now? Why this situation? Why these two individuals? The reason is, thanks in part - well in whole actually - to the overwhelming effect that our little friend "popular opinion" has on the small minds that make up the majority of our ever declining nation.
Bolstered by the likes of the usual race baiting and sometimes government backed self promoting entrepreneurs - Al Sharpton, Farrakhan and Oprah Winfrey - along with a few new comers to the public opinion lobbyist profession - Sean "JayZ" Carter, wife Beyonce Knowles and even the President of the United States himself, Barrack Hussein Obama (who interestingly enough was just thrown a $40,000 per head fundraising party at JayZ's 40/40 club, by none other than JayZ and Beyonce herself) and lets not forget the likes of such minds as Justin Bieber (Aren't we now kicking him out of the country?) Miley Cyrus (Yeah, her.) whose combined 36 years on this planet offer a treasure trove of knowledge on topics such as the Judicial System, Law and Public Policy. I prefer to think of them as abusers of what I refer to as "American Privilege," that is, the feeling of entitlement that comes as part of being a citizen of the United States of America, through which all manner of truth and/or propaganda can be tainted, misrepresented and/or entirely falsified as a means of propagating a popular agenda. It must also be mentioned for general purpose that this Al Sharpton would be the same anti semite, bigot and homophobe Al Sharpton that has all but deteriorated race relations in the United States for the last 50 years, and the same Farrakhan who's ties link back to early 60's and 70's anti-white group the Black Panthers, and the anti-white religious sect the Nation of Islam or "NOI." Farrahkan is still very much on the front lines of the anti-white movement to this day, and is still very much entrenched with the Nation of Islam; the birthplace of Malcolm X. This is going on forever, but I must be allowed to introduce Malcolm X, the once NOI servant who was partially redeemed in large part by his splitting from the organization and the denunciation of it's separatist agenda. The split came after X found himself on the receiving end of the judgement of one - the all knowing Elijah Muhammad - the racist and anti semitic leader of the NOI. The controversy itself was initiated by Elijah Muhammad's condemnation of X's illicit affairs with women outside of his marriage, whose flames were only furthered fanned by X's rebuttal of Muhammad's condemnation through which X outed the NOI's leader for sleeping with and fathering children by several of his sixteen year old staffers. All 19 of Muhammad's children would eventually sue the NOI for the right to be named Muhammad's successor after his death in 1975. What a couple of gets to have as government centerpieces for race relations, huh?
We are now a few weeks removed from the not guilty verdict and the sentiment has only strengthened. To say that there was some animosity toward the outcome would be putting it lightly; very lightly. Actually, practically invisible. I feel the need to fully destroy my description of the impact of this trial, so I will continue. It's repercussions have torn a hole in the framework of the United States the likes of which have not been seen in any capacity in at least a decade; F.E.M.A rings a bell? And even this is a very small bell in comparison. Connect the dots a bit though, if you would: A government hell bent on tearing people apart in an effort to cement their necessity as a totalitarian entity, a couple of racist chorines promoting their agenda, and an African American community grieving over what they think is violence against a poor black kid who did nothing wrong, perpetrated by a racist white guy with a full head of steam.
If you will remember back to some of my previous articles, I've discussed the realities of the myths (because "lies" is far to strong of a word for most individuals to stomach) that made their rounds about Trayvon Martin, the young man killed by George Zimmerman. It was initially stated and later confirmed that - upon approach by Zimmerman - Martin did in fact run. Zimmerman gave chase, but to no avail. Assuming he had lost Martin, Zimmerman stopped his pursuit and confirmed that he had lost the young man. Approximately four minutes passed - which saw Zimmerman trotting back toward his vehicle - when Martin reappeared and confronted Zimmerman. It was later stated by the defense that the young man muttered the phrase, "You're going to die tonight," before assaulting Zimmerman. This assault lead to a struggle between Zimmerman and the 6ft 3inch Martin that eventually made it's way to the ground. Martin ended up on top of Zimmerman, having wrapped his legs around Zimmerman's body, and proceeded to land "haymaker style swings" onto the neck, face and forehead of the overpowered Zimmerman, who struggled to dismount the assailant. This scene was corroborated by witnesses who saw a man described as wearing the cloths Zimmerman wore, laying on his back, while a man described as wearing the same clothing Martin was wearing, straddled the man and was delivering blows to his head. Zimmerman would testify that he indeed reached for his legally owned concealed weapon, and that while on the ground - with the 6ft 3in Martin straddling him, and in the process of beating his head into the sidewalk - he produced a weapon familiar with concealed carry, a Kel-Tec PF-9 9mm pistol a manufactured by Cocoa, Fla.-based Kel-Tec CNC. Zimmerman then proceeded, by his own admission, to shoot Martin in the middle torso area, killing him.
Now, this would seem like a fairly open and closed case if you ask me. The government, the media and their fanboys however, saw it much differently. The falsities that resonated around this story were insatiable to say the least. There were hundreds of comments ranging from President Obamas infamous "If I had a son.." comment, to tweets from the black community suggesting that they were going to go "hunt whites in honor of Trayvon." Are you starting to understand what the government and media are capable of? Of all the comments made though, one in particular which was made mention of on several occasions by several proclaimed "leaders" in the black community, stuck with me. The thing that shocked me the most was that this scenario - which has been verified by forensic evidence and confirmed by forensic testing - was is in some way shape or form comparable to the story of Emmet Till; and this is where the story really starts to take some crazy turns.
For those of you who don't know of the tragic story of Emmit Till, I will elaborate on it for you quickly. Emmit Till was a young boy born on July 25th, 1941. Emmit lived in Chicago with his mother and was largely unaware of the racism that was present in some areas of the south when he took a vacation to visit some relatives in Mooney, Mississippi. Till was "accused by 21-year-old Carolyn Bryant, the married proprietor of a small grocery store there, of winking at the grocery store owner. Several nights later, Bryant's husband Roy and his half-brother J. W. Milam arrived at Till's great-uncle's house where they took Till, transported him to a barn, beat him and gouged out one of his eyes, before shooting him through the head and disposing of his body in the Tallahatchie River, weighting it with a 70-pound (32 kg) cotton gin fan tied around his neck with barbed wire. His body was discovered and retrieved from the river three days later." Now let me explain what this means to me: To me, Emmit Tills story is one of tragedy, of unprovoked rage which led to the murder of a 13 year old little boy for a minor sign of disrespect that today would be thought of as cute. This is an American tragedy and something to be utilized in a moment of reflection to symbolize what was wrong with racism, and what we have gotten right via segregations reversal, to this point. To think that this young boys legacy would be tainted by those charged with keeping the messages learned from discrimination alive, by compering him to Trayvonn Martin, a juvenile delinquent, who instigated his own death by senselessly and brutally assaulting a man who was charged with keeping a neighborhood safe, is about as asinine an attempt by the puppets of government agenda, as I have ever encountered. It makes me mad, in all honesty. All of the other comments and situations that arose from this situation were done so out of rage, out of contempt for what people were initially led to believe was a white man - when he is no more white by heritage than Barrack Obama, both being biracial - but this was a blatant destruction of a cornerstone in the foundation of the desegregation movement in America. Can people so easily spit on this young mans memory by likening it to Martins situation? This isn't some simple a situation as merely comparing one young mans horrible encounter with men three or more times his size, who came to his front door with the intention to murder him, with that of a 6ft 3inch juvenile delinquent with a history of psychological problems and criminal behavior who instigated his death by brutally assaulting an individual smaller than himself. Have we become so desensitized and disillusioned by the media and our government that we are willing to overlook Martins criminal and psychological past in a effort to compare him to a little boy who was wrongfully and shamelessly murdered, and who later became one of the many faces of a just movement? Do you see what kind of power this machine has - this government and their media fan boys?
It is these connections, and the connections from many other powerful government players to their respective media and crony counterparts, that are slowly disintegrating this nation by dividing us in every which way possible. Such connections are only a small part of a bigger purpose, in my opinion, and are tools that the government backs in their entirety. The notion of all encompassing titles such as black, white, brown, gay, heterosexual, Christian, Muslim - or rather what I refer to as the rape of classification, as they are tools of influence used by the US government and their media fanboys to destroy what could be a unified state. The only way to enhance differences between individuals when you only have a podium to speak from, is to use words like these, as they suppress all notion of a unified identity, forcefully and without consent. These terms are inherently racist / sexist / prejudicial etc., by their very definition. Coming to see the indidvidual as a shade rather than the end result of cultural infusion and heritage not only dissolves the very message sought after to begin with - that a certain people should not overlook or oppress others because of unchangeable differences because it is counterintuitive and more importantly, simply wrong to do so - by further promoting the harrowing descent of society into an inevitable culture clash, stripping the identity of the person and replacing it with an unfamiliar title; thusly forcing what would otherwise be the passive individual into a state of being which requires a constant rebuttal of predispositions and an unequivocal sense of anxiety caused by the necessity to defend an unfamiliar, yet inescapable label - popular opinion at it's finest, and government mechanics 101, if you ask me.
About Me: I am a Computer Scientist, more specifically a Database Administrator, a business man (Holding a Bachelors in Business with a focus in Enterprise Administration from Fordham University, Magna Cum Laude), a writer, a blogger, as well as a philosopher, a philanthropist (as much as one with limited finances can be..) a veteran, and in general, an all around thinker and do'er. My purpose is to point out that there is a reason for everything and an opinion for every reason. I am designed to interpret what I see and dictate what I've interpreted. My hope is that my words will not be seen as harsh, rather as liberating, and at very least, thought provoking. I enjoy everything from technology, to race relations, biology, genetics and economics.. for a start..
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